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Old Scofield Study Bible-KJV-Classic

Old Scofield Study Bible-KJV-Classic

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ISBN: 019527458X

 This easy-to-carry Bonded Leather edition of the renowned Old Scofield Study Bible offers a wealth of study materials at a fantastic price. Featuring a traditional type setting cherished by many long-time Scofield readers as well as a protective two-piece box that commemorates the 100th anniversary of the publication, the Classic Edition, whose notes date from 1917, is the best cross-reference study Bible ever published. Among its many features are book introductions and outlines, a unique subject chain reference system, comprehensive indexes, chronologies, a concordance, and authoritative, full-color Oxford Bible Maps.


* Authorized King James Version text.
* Same-page text helps.
* Complete Scofield references.
* Subheadings.
* Introduction to each book of the Bible.
* Comprehensive index.
* Chronologies.
* Subject index.
* Concordance.
* Red letter type.
* Subject chain references.
* English equivalents for Hebrew dates, money, weights and measures.

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